Four Corner Plaza
    Serving the community since 1980                                               Onley, Va 23418

Local Books & Genealogy

We usually have the books on the following lists in stock,

but please call 757-787-7866 or submit the email form below

to check on the availability of a specific title.




Alley, John Reuben

University of Richmond (Campus History)


Aylor, Lillian Freeman I'll Get It Done: A Life Journey In Rappahannock  $19.99
Badger, Curtis J. A Culinary History of Delmarva $21.99
Badger, Curtis J. Exploring Delmarva $16.95
Badger, Curtis J. Hog Island $20.00
Badger, Curtis J. Nathan Cobb's Island $20.00

Badger, Curtis J.

Natural History of Quiet Waters Swamps Wetlands Mid-Atlantic Coast


Badger, Curtis J. Salt Tide $17.95

Badger, Curtis J.

Virginia's Wild Side : Fifty Outdoor Adventures from the Mountains to


Badger, Curtis J. Wild Coast $16.95
Badger, Curtis J. Wilderness Regained: The Story of the Virginia Barrier Islands (2nd Edition, Expanded) $22.99
Badger, Tom; Badger, Curtis Accomac County $21.99
Badger, Tom; Badger, Curtis Northampton County $21.99

Barefoot, Pam

My Bird Bud, the Corporate Cockatiel


Barnes, Brooks Miles Civil War on Virginia's Eastern Shore $16.95
Barnes, Brooks Miles Gallows on the Marsh $17.97

Barnes, Brooks Miles (Editor)

Seashore Chronicles : Three Centuries of the Virginia Barrier Islands


Bonis, Ray Virginia Commonwealth University (Campus History Series) $21.99
Brait, Susan Chesapeake Gold: Man and Oyster on the Bay $30.00

Casciero, Albert J.

Clamming in Chincoteague


Cherrix, Myrna Assateague Island $21.99
Chewning, Alpheus Virginia Shipwrecks $23.99

Davis, Evelyn

A Story to Tell


Davis, Veronica Alease

Hampton University (Campus History Series)


Dickon, Chris Chesapeake Bay Steamers $21.99
Dickon, Chris Eastern Shore Railroad $21.99
Dize, Frances W. Smith Island (rare/out-of-print, used copy) $68.00
Dodd, Captain Michael J. Chesapeake Bay Odyssey: 23 Ports of Call With Historical Perspectives $26.95

Drumheller, Malcolm K.

Memories of a Gemini


Duffy, Jim

Eastern Shore Road Trips : 27 One-Day Adventures on Delmarva


Duffy, Jim Eastern Shore Road Trips 2 $21.95
Duffy, Jim Shore Bets: Delmarva Fun Guide $20.95

Duffy, Jim

Tubman Travels


Duffy, Jim You Wouldn't Believe
Evans-Hylton, Patrick Lighthouses and Lifesaving Stations of Virginia $21.99
Fleming, Jay Island Life $57.99

Fleming, Jay

Working the Water


Foster, James L. Icy Winters on the Chesapeake $21.99

Gall, Anne Mason

Visions and Verses: Along the Spirit's Highway


Gravelle, Karen; McBride, Eliza   Hiding in Plain Sight: Old Bank Buildings on Virginia's Eastern Shore $18.95
Guilfoil, Joanne Afterglow - Ted Freeman's Legacy: the Making of an Astronaut $15.99
Hall, Jenean An "Uncertaine Rumor" of Land: New Thoughts on the English Founding of VA's Eastern Shore $15.00
Harper, Raymond A History of Chesapeake, Virginia $19.99
Herman, Bernard L. A South You Never Ate $28.00
Hess, Ann Bridgetown Files $13.95

Hesse, Monica

American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land


Heuvel, Sean M.

Christopher Newport University (Campus History Series)


Jones, Ross Elisabeth Gilman: Crusader for Justice $24.95

Kagawa, Ron M./ Kellam, J.

Cobb's Island, Virginia : Recollections, Traditions, and Transformations


Kellam, Amine Cosby Once a Shoreman (rare/out-of-print, used copy) $50.00
Kellam, Amine Cosby A Shoreman's Tale (rare/out-of-print, used copy) $45.00
Kelso, William Jamestown: The Truth Revealed $29.95

Kettner, Chris

"The Specialist" Sales and Management Bible


Lambert, E. V.

I'm Ok With the Rain


Lambert, E. V.

Tugging on a Heartstring


Lambert, E. V.

Tugging on a Heartstring : Sequel


Lentz, Robert

Trees of Inspiration


Lewis, Brent Stardust by the Bushel : Hollywood on the Chesapeake Bay's Eastern Shore $30.00

Lewis, Robert K.

Exmore Boy, Volume 1


Lewis, Robert K.

Exmore Boy, Volume 2


Livie, Kate Chesapeake Oysters $21.99

Lynch, B. R.

Wet and Hungry: An Atlantic Fisherman's Life


Maass, John R.

The Road to Yorktown : Jefferson, Lafayette and the British Invasion of Virginia


Maldonado, Linda Prisoner of Grief (Poems) $13.99
Mariner, Kirk Almost an Island: A History of Saxis, Virginia $17.95

Mariner, Kirk

Glimpses of a Vanished Eastern Shore


Mariner, Kirk

God's Island: The History of Tangier


Mariner, Kirk

Off 13


Mariner, Kirk

Once Upon an Island: History of Chincoteague


Mariner, Kirk Revival's Children: a Religious History of Virginia's Eastern Shore (Reprint) $27.00

Mariner, Kirk

Slave and Free on Virginia's Eastern Shore


Mariner, Kirk

True Tales of the Eastern Shore


Marshall, C. L. Chesapeake Bay Adventures $23.99
Marshall, C. L. Chesapeake Bay Duck Hunting Tales $21.99
Marshall, C. L. Chesapeake Bay Outdoor Tales $21.99
Marshall, C. L. Hunting & Fishing the Chesapeake $21.99
Matthews, Matt One Thousand Miles $16.95
McGuire, Susan Part-Time Widow $10.00
McMath, George N. Change the World $10.00
McMath, George N. Ethical Questions for Today and Tomorrow $10.00
McMath, George N. Positive Quotations $10.00
McMath, George N. Remembering When $22.50
McMath, George N. So Now You Are Chair of a Fundraising Campaign $12.00
McMath, George N. So Now You Are President of a Community Organization $10.00

Mickey/ Nock, Anne B.

A Boston's World


Mickey/ Nock, Anne B.

Lapdog Therapy : My Journey from Companion Dog to Therapy Dog


Miles, Keith (Kim) Miles to Go...Episodes from a Life Half-Lived $20.00
Mills, Charles A. Virginia Legends & Lore $21.99
Moss, Jeremy R. Colonial Virginia's War Against Piracy $21.99
Newby-Alexander, Cassandra Virginia Waterways and the Underground Railroad $21.99
Nocera, Allison He Did It His Way $10.00
Northam, Mitchell High School Basketball on Maryland's Eastern Shore $18.99

Pilkey, Orrin H.

From Currituck to Calabash


Rice, Margaret A. The Henry Bagwell Story $25.95

Roberts, William T./ Robe

Sketches from Hickory Hill


Ross, Charles W.

Ditty and Bootsie


Rountree, Helen C.

Eastern Shore Indians of Virginia and Maryland


Rountree, Helen C.

Young Pocahontas in the Indian World


Ruark, Robert Chester Old Man & the Boy $18.99
Shockley, Ted The Graduate and the Beagle $15.95
Smiley, Robert A Killer Without Mercy: The Spanish Flu Pandemic on the Eastern Shore $12.95
Sterling, Bill More Browsin' $15.95
Sterling, Bill Still Browsin' $15.95
Stilwagen, William W. Vietnam War Speak $18.99
Swift, Earl Chesapeake Requiem: A Year with the Watermen of Vanishing Tangier Island $17.99
Szaltis, Leonard Chesapeake Bay Privateers in the Revolution $21.99
Tormey, James The Virginia Navy in the Revolution $21.99
Townsend, Camilla Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma $25.00

VanDuren, Mau

Many Heads and Many Hands: James Madison's Search for a More Perfect Union


Walker, Sally M. Written in Bone: Buried Lives of Jamestown and Colonial Maryland $22.99

Ward, David

Growing Up in Exmore


Ward, Phyllis Jumpcuts: Snippets of My Life in Television $22.99
Warner, William Beautiful Swimmers $17.99
Warren, John Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel $21.99
Watson, Beverly Crossing Madison: An Inspirational Journey $11.99
Watson, Beverly Life's Unforecasted Storms $15.99
Wennersten, John Oyster Wars of the Chesapeake Bay $19.95
Wise, Barton The Life of Henry A. Wise of Virginia, 1806-1876 $22.50

Wray, Frank

When Clowns Cry


Local Fiction & Poetry




Arthur, Robert

Crazy Horse's Woman


Arthur, Robert



Arthur, Robert

Robert Arthur's Eastern Shore Plays Poems Songs


Bradley, Kendall

Backwater Moon


Brown, Molly McCully

The Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded: Poems 


Buchanan, Jr., Walter A.

Bright Light


Chapman, Elaine Fletcher 

Hunger for Salt


Dix, Pamela

Piccolina's Journey


Donato, Frank

Letters from a Hobo


Ellis, Greg Jones

Divinity Place : A Play


Evans, Annette

I Will Always Love You


Evans, Annette

Until I Met You


Hart, Lenore

Waterwoman: A Novel of the Eastern Shore


Johnson, Walkley

Song of the Mockingbirds


La Blanc, Joan

Innocence of Angels: A Novel of Romance and Heartbreak in WWII


La Blanc, Joan

Ministry of Angels: A Novel of Hope and Restoration in WWII


La Blanc, Joan

Odyssey of Angels: A Novel of Navy Nurses in WWII


La Blanc, Joan

Ordinary Angels: A Novel of Love and Loss After WWII


Lambert, E. V.

Murder in Kent County


Lawler, J. Bradford

The Adventures of Hood and Fudd


Marsh, Sonia

My Gutsy Story Anthology: Inspirational Short Stories About Taking Chances and Changing Your Life


McCaleb, David

Recall: A Red Ops Thriller (Book 1)


Onley, Darlene Williams

The River


Poyer, David

Fire on the Waters : A Novel of the Civil War at Sea


Poyer, David

A Country of Our Own: A Novel of the Confederate Raiders


Poyer, David

That Anvil of Our Souls : A Novel of the Monitor and the Merrimack


Rochester, Haydon

Shirt Story


Swain, Robert

Turn, Turn, Tern : My Unfinished Business


Vickery, Raymond

Mud of the Marsh - Wachapreague Poems


Local Children's Books




Bell, Matt

The Reanimation of Mouse


Bell, Matt

Urgent Carol and the Earworm Heist


Burger, Anna

Pea Soup and the Seafood Feast


Burger, Anna

The Sea Hunt


Coleman, Sarah

Coloring Book - The Wrong Shade of Dolphin


Guilfoil, Joanne

The ABCs of Flying Over Delmarva


Guilfoil, Joanne

Flying Over Delmarva A-Z - Activity Book


Harrison, Vashti

Little Dreamers: Visionary Women Around the World


Harrison, Vashti

Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History


Harrison, Vashti

Little Legends: Exceptional Men in Black History


Tate, Suzanne

Nature Series (contact for specific title information)


Genealogy Books





Desc of William Abdell

Hickman, Louie Dean


Accomack County Orphans Accounts 1771-1780

Walczyk, Gail M.


Accomack County Orphans Accounts 1798-1801

Walczyk, Gail M.


Desc of Alexander Addison (1637-c1681)

Hickman, Louie Dean


Desc of James Atkinson ( -c1696)

Hickman, Louie Dean


Desc of Henry Bishop ( -1671)

Hickman, Louie Dean


Desc of John Boyce

Hickman, Louie Dean


Three Generations of Bradshaws

Walczyk, Gail M.


Brickhouse Family History

Brickhouse, Grady Gordon


Desc of William Brittingham ( -c1708)

Hickman, Louie Dean


Desc of William Broadwater ( -c1726)

Hickman, Louie Dean


Colonial Deaths: Northampton County, Virginia

Mihalyka, Jean


Robert S. Costin of Northampton County, Virginia

Latimer, Frances


Eastern Shore of Virginia, 1603-1964

Turman, Nora Miller


1926 Franktown Nassawaddox High School Yearbook

Ramsay, Frances


Gold Fever and a Virginia Doctor

Barnes, Alton Brooks Parker


Graven Stones: Inscriptions Lower Accomack Co

Mihalyka, Jean Merritt


Tombstone Inscriptions of Upper Accomack Co

Carey, Mary Frances; Miles


History of Virginia State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc.


The James Journal: Personal Journals of Lula Bell Mason James: 1941-1945

James, Martha Dunton


Abstracts of Wills & Administrations, Northampton County, 1632-1802

Marshall, James


Loose Papers & Sundry Court Cases #2 : 1732-1744/5 Northampton

Mihalyka, Jean M.


Loose Papers & Sundry Court Cases #3 : April 1744-July 1761 Northampton

Mihalyka, Jean M.


Northampton County 1850 Census Mortality Schedule 1850-1880

Latimer, Frances


1856 Land Tax: Northampton County, Virginia

Adler, Doris


Original List of Taxable Property within County of Northampton 1796

Latimer, Frances


The Journal of Martha Wayles Robertson 1860-1866

Robertson, Martha Wayles
